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We are delighted to announce the publication of Mark’s new book – The Big Hairy Green Book – giving a warts-and-all account of the artificial grass industry.
Few gardening books raise eyebrows. This one will.
Part biography, part instruction manual, learn the secrets, pitfalls, and tricks of the trade, from Ireland’s pioneer of artificial grass for over 20 years.
a word from the author
Few gardening books raise eyebrows. This one will.
‘ Hang on a sec,’ you might be thinking, ‘did I not read about the imminent publication of The Big Hairy Green Book in the last issue of Compass?’. You would be right.
They say — well, Christopher Hitchens said — ‘ Everyone has a book in them, but in most cases that’s where it should stay’. Personally I found the writing bit easy enough but the interminable editing and re-editing has been a real drag. I deleted 32,000 words, mostly stories best left untold, (I might stick a few into my blog), to get it to under 100,000.
Following the recent record breaking heatwave and increasingly obvious global warming it’s a controversial topic. Despite the hostility I’m at pains to forensically examine the eco credentials of both ‘real lawns’ and artificial grass.
Among my conclusions — spoiler alert — I call for both legislators and the public to push for newer recyclable and recycled versions of the product. We will have some exciting news on that front shortly and hopefully they will become the norm. Only yesterday the Daily Mail ( so it must be true!) in the U.K reported that 1 in 10 households in the UK already have artificial grass.
So happily it’s a zeitgeisty topic.
You can now buy a copy.
The grass is always greener on the other side.
Find out why. Book now available to order online.

a.k.a TheFakeGrassMan
Owner – Sanctuary Synthetics
Back page matters
There is a silent revolution happening in the gardening world and, like it or
not, artificial grass is becoming mainstream. Read the engaging story of how the author became ‘The Fakegrass Man’ and learn all there is to know about synthetic lawns.
Part biography, part instruction manual, don’t just judge the hairy green grass bible by its cover. Dive in and discover all the secrets, pitfalls and tricks of the trade from Ireland’s longest established synthetic lawn expert. It could save you a lot of money.
Like marmite, fake grass incites strong feelings. Is it a daft soulless fad or a no brainer solution. Trace it’s progression from the short shiny greengrocers display to the point where it’s hard to tell the difference from real grass.
Is it the easy way out? Learn what it is, who it’s for, why to get it and when to walk away. Packed with tips and tricks, this is the first ever warts and all seminal guide from the ultimate insider, ‘The Fakegrass Man’, separating the hard facts from the fake news for you.
With a behind the scenes look at how the industry works, discover how to properly measure, price and install, avoiding costly mistakes and getting the best results. Included is a biting critique exposing real lawns as the abomination. It’s important to understand both the pros and cons and environmental arguments and then decide for yourself.
Filled with frank anecdotes, it’s a timely exposé written by an industry pioneer. Warning—minds will be changed.
If you want your garden back, buy this book.